Annual General Meeting

26-09-2017 | Location: TBC

WLN > Events > Annual General Meeting

As women, the legal profession is facing challenges that require solutions which will not be attained by working in isolation. The low percentage of female representations as General Counsel in Fortune 500 as well as Fortune 501 to 1000 companies, together with the slow progression of women becoming partners, equity partners, managing partners and associates is becoming worrisome. Unfortunately, statistics show that fewer women are graduating and the number of women remaining within the profession after childbirth is also steadily decreasing. The globalization of business has raised issues with regards to deal making and the variation of laws pertaining to each country requires the collaboration of legal professionals on all levels.

Chaired by The WLN Team, Patrons of the WLN Network and WLN Members, awaits a tangible experience that will provide a great occasion for women to collaborate further.

The rationale behind the annual conference is to allow our clients to meet face to face annually, as we believe this is imperative for the collective members to interact and build stronger relationships both professionally and personally. The event will host an opportunity for members to meet and greet, share ideas, practices and expertise. It is also an excellent opportunity to gather together; in order to discuss the issues centred around global deal making and prevalent issues that are affecting women within the Law industry.

Through special invitation, guest speaker and panel discussions, this event will create an incredible networking platform, open the possibility of furthering one’s legal career and present business opportunities that otherwise would not have been achieved.

A scheduled date, time, location and venue is yet to be confirmed.

For further queries regarding our annual conference, please contact us via e-mail.