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Linda Crow Collaborates on European Commission Study on Cross-border Mergers

December 03, 2013

LONDON (Dec. 3, 2013) —Linda Crow, a corporate partner in the London office of Faegre Baker Daniels LLP, has provided expert insight for a study by the European Commission on the cross-border mergers directive (CBMD). 
The research was conducted to assess how well the Directive is being implemented in all EU member states and its practical effects on companies involved in cross-border mergers.


Linda Crow Collaborates on European Commission Study on Cross-border Mergers

December 03, 2013

LONDON (Dec. 3, 2013) —Linda Crow, a corporate partner in the London office of Faegre Baker Daniels LLP, has provided expert insight for a study by the European Commission on the cross-border mergers directive (CBMD). 
The research was conducted to assess how well the Directive is being implemented in all EU member states and its practical effects on companies involved in cross-border mergers.